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Chiropractic Online Course:
Medical Errors 201

Medical Errors 201 image
Online Course Format:  Online
Course Tuition:   $60.00
Credit Hours ( CE ):  3
Contributor:  John Riggs III, MBA, DC, FACO
CLICK HERE for a list of states, provinces and countries this course is accredited in.

Online Chiropractic CE Course Description & Course Details

Medical Errors 201: A Comprehensive Guide to Patient Safety in Chiropractic Care

medical Errors image on our chiropractic ceu pageCCEDseminars | The Definitive Destination For Chiropractic CEU!Course Description

Are you a chiropractic professional seeking to enhance your expertise in the field of medical errors and patient safety? Welcome to CCEDseminars' Medical Errors 201 course, designed to elevate your understanding and practical skills in identifying, preventing, and managing medical errors in the chiropractic setting. Offering 3 credit hours, this course is an invaluable resource for fulfilling your chiropractic CEU (Continuing Education Units) requirements.


photo of Dr. John RiggsThis course is taught by John H. Riggs, MBA, DC, DIANM, an accomplished expert in the fields of chiropractic care and medical management. With his extensive experience, Dr. Riggs provides invaluable insights and best practices for reducing the risk of medical errors.

Course Highlights

  • Introduction and Definitions: Understand the basic terminologies related to medical errors.
  • Statistics of Medical Errors: Explore the alarming statistics and trends in medical errors.
  • Identification of Error Causes & Contributing Factors: Learn the root causes of medical errors to better mitigate them.
  • Types of Medical Errors: Identify the various types of medical errors and their impacts on patient care.
  • Medical Error Prevention Strategies: Gain practical knowledge on how to prevent medical errors.
  • Some Error Reduction Strategies from Management: Integrate management strategies to further reduce the incidence of errors.
  • Future of Patient Safety/Patient Safety System: Engage in thoughtful discussion about the future of patient safety and systems approach.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Define medical error terminology
  • Identify statistics of errors and issues
  • Discuss causes of medical errors and contributing factors
  • Review the different types of medical errors
  • Illustrate error prevention strategies
  • Outline management strategies for reducing errors
  • Discuss the future of patient safety and the systems approach (Patient Safety System)

Special Offers & Discounts

The more online chiropractic CE courses you take, the more you save! Now you can bundle live chiropractic webinars & recorded online classes.

  • 6-9 Hours: Use promo code “6hbc” during checkout & save 10%.
  • 10+ Hours: Use promo code “10hbc” during checkout & save 20%.

Course Access and Additional Information

To access the meeting room, log in to your homepage at ccedseminars.com and click on the purchased course title. Detailed instructions for the course, including technical requirements and proof of attendance, will be available in your account.

Note: Make sure you're using a computer with speakers and adjust the volume for optimal listening. Once the presentation window opens, controls are available to pause or replay the material. Notes for the course are located in the top left "Files" box; click the 3 dots and then "Download All".

Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge on medical errors and their prevention in chiropractic care. Enroll in CCEDseminars' Medical Errors 201 course today and earn your chiropractic CEU credits while learning from the best in the field!

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following states:

Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following Canadian Provinces:

British Columbia, British Columbia, Manitoba, Manitoba, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Ontario, Yukon, Yukon,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following regions outside the United States & Canada:

Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chili, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Fiji, Finland, Greece, Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Mexico, Nambia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Virgin Island, Zimbabwe,

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