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Neurology Chiropractic Online Course:
Neurology 213: Neurology Tests for the Practicing Chiropractor | Chiropractic Online CE

Neurology 213: Neurology Tests for the Practicing Chiropractor | Chiropractic Online CE image
Online Course Format:  Online
Course Tuition:   $40.00
Credit Hours ( CE ):  2
Contributor:  Michael Hall, DC, FIACN
CLICK HERE for a list of states, provinces and countries this course is accredited in.

Online Chiropractic CE Course Description & Course Details

Chiropractic Online CE: Neurology 213: Neurology Tests for the Practicing Chiropractor

image of brain on our chiropractic online ce pageCCEDseminars | Your #1 Destination For Chiropractic Online CE!Credit Hours: 2

Instructor: Dr. Michael Hall, DC, FIACN

image of Dr. Michael Hall, your instructorTake advantage of the best in chiropractic online CE with Dr. Michael Hall’s extensive course on Neurology Tests for the Practicing Chiropractor. This meticulously crafted 2-credit hour course is designed to enhance your knowledge and skill set, offering a deep dive into the top six neurology tests that are both scientifically valid and easily implemented in a clinical setting. Check out more of Dr. Hall's Courses!

Course Description:

In the constantly evolving field of chiropractic care, being updated with the most current neurology tests and procedures is essential. This chiropractic online ce course is here to guide you in understanding, analyzing, and applying the top six neurology tests in your practice to achieve better patient evaluations, care plans, and outcomes.

Course Outline:

  • Neurology Tests and Procedures: Learn the specifics of each test and how to implement them in your practice.
  • Overview of the most currently used tests/procedures: Gain a broader perspective on the tools available for neurology tests.
  • Validity and reliability: Understand the scientific backing of these tests to ensure accurate results.
  • Pitfalls in the clinical record: Navigate potential pitfalls efficiently to maintain a reliable clinical record.

Course Objectives:

  • Integrate new neurology tests: Enhance your chiropractic practice with updated test procedures.
  • Current tests/procedures: Discuss the most popular tests/procedures in use today.
  • Validity and reliability: Ensure the dependability of the tests you employ.
  • Illustrate pitfalls in clinical records: Learn to avoid common mistakes in maintaining clinical records.

Dr. Michael Hall, a renowned Chiropractic Neurologist, spearheads this course, bringing in a wealth of experience and knowledge to facilitate your learning. Meet the rest of our Faculty!

Special Offers:

Save more as you learn more with our bundled offers!

  • 6-9 hours purchase: Save 10% using promo code “6hbc” during checkout.
  • 10+ hours purchase: Enjoy a 20% discount with promo code “10hbc” at checkout.

Convenience with CCEDSeminars:

Accessing your chiropractic online ce course is simple and convenient through CCEDSeminars. Log in to your homepage, click on the purchased course, and enter the online meeting room with ease — anytime you wish to, with the freedom to log in and out as needed.

Upon successful completion of the course and test, you can promptly print your chiropractic certificates of attendance from your account.

Embark on a journey of enriched learning with our chiropractic online ce courses — a pathway to saving both time and money while advancing in your career. Please visit our vast Course Catalog!

Note: Ensure a seamless learning experience by using a computer with speakers and maintaining an optimum volume level. Detailed instructions for viewing the presentation are provided in your account.

Take the next step in advancing your chiropractic education, leveraging the expert insights and practical skills shared by Dr. Michael Hall. Sign up for this enriching chiropractic online CE course today!



This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following states:

Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following Canadian Provinces:

British Columbia, British Columbia, British Columbia, Manitoba, Manitoba, Manitoba, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Ontario, Ontario, Yukon, Yukon, Yukon,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following regions outside the United States & Canada:

Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chili, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Fiji, Finland, Germany, Greece, Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Mexico, Nambia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Virgin Island, Zimbabwe,

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