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Neurology Chiropractic Online Course:
Neurology 245: Arnold Chiari / Forward Head Posture / Low Spinal Tone - Chiropractic CE Courses

Neurology 245: Arnold Chiari / Forward Head Posture / Low Spinal Tone - Chiropractic CE Courses image
Online Course Format:  Online
Course Tuition:   $40.00
Credit Hours ( CE ):  2
Contributor:  Michael Hall, DC, FIACN
CLICK HERE for a list of states, provinces and countries this course is accredited in.

Online Chiropractic CE Course Description & Course Details

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Topic: Neurology 245: Arnold Chiari / Forward Head Posture / Low Spinal Tone

Credits: 2 Hours

Instructor: Dr. Michael Hall, DC, FIACN

image of Arnald Chiari syndrome on our chiropractic CE course pageCCEDseminars | Your #1 Choice World Wide For Chiropractic CE Courses Online!

Course Insight:

This comprehensive course provides insights into the Arnold Chiari malformation, its association with forward head posture, and the complexities it poses for clinical management. We delve into the most up-to-date evidence-based approaches for treating these conditions.

Course Outline:

  1. Arnold Chiari Malformation Unveiled:
    • AC 1
    • AC 2
  2. Tone Insights:
    • Differentiating Axial from Appendicular
    • Tone’s role in AC 1 and FHP
  3. Navigating Clinical Management:
    • Current strategies for AC
    • Prevalence in AC scenarios
    • Crucial considerations for FHP combined with AC

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the intricacies of FHP and AC
  • Get acquainted with the latest techniques for managing AC
  • Identify Arnold Chiari malformations effectively
  • Master the latest evidence in management strategies

Unlock the Secrets of Neurology in Chiropractic with Savings!

The More Chiropractic Continuing Education Online Courses You Enroll In, The Greater Your Savings!

Combine our live chiropractic webinars and recorded classes to maximize your learning and savings:

  • Buy 6-9 Hours & Save 10% – Use Promo Code “6hbc” at Check Out. Valid for both Live Webinars & Recorded Online Classes.

  • Enroll for 10 Hours or More & Get 20% Off – Enter Promo Code “10hbc” at Check Out. Valid for Live Webinars & Recorded Online Classes.

About the Instructor, Dr. Michael W. Hall:

Photo of Dr. Michael Hall, your instructor

With over 25 years in the field, Dr. Michael W. Hall is a celebrated figure in chiropractic and neurology. A graduate of Parker College of Chiropractic, he has earned various accolades in chiropractic clinical neurology. As an active clinician, educator, and a dedicated father, Dr. Hall combines his expertise with real-world application. Known for his contributions to chiropractic and functional neurology, he is a sought-after lecturer and mentor. To learn more about his endeavors, visit BrainDC.org or the CCEDseminars faculty page. Click HERE for link to more Chiropractic Neurology courses.

Master chiropractic neurology with the best and save more as you learn!



This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following states:

Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following Canadian Provinces:

British Columbia, British Columbia, Manitoba, Manitoba, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Ontario, Yukon, Yukon,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following regions outside the United States & Canada:

Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chili, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Fiji, Finland, Greece, Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Mexico, Nambia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Virgin Island, Zimbabwe,

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