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Nutrition Chiropractic Online Course:
Nutrition 203: Nutritional Management of Headaches

Nutrition 203: Nutritional Management of Headaches image
Online Course Format:  Online
Course Tuition:   $40.00
Credit Hours ( CE ):  2
Contributor:  Howard Benedikt, DC, DCBCN
CLICK HERE for a list of states, provinces and countries this course is accredited in.

Online Chiropractic CE Course Description & Course Details

Chiro Online CE: Nutrition 203 - Nutritional Management of Headachesimage of Doctor reviewing images of headache patient on our chiro onlinr ce pageeCCEDseminars | Your Prime Destination For Chiro Online CE Courses!Special Bundle Offers

  • The More Chiro Online CE Courses You Take, The More You Save!
    • 6-9 Hours: Use Promo Code "6hbc" at checkout to save 10%. This offer applies to Live Chiropractic Webinars & Recorded Online Classes.
    • 10+ Hours: Use Promo Code "10hbc" at checkout to save 20%. This offer applies to Live Chiropractic Webinars & Recorded Online Chiropractic Continuing Education Credits.

Access Your Course

Log into your Home Page at CCEDseminars to access the meeting room. Simply click on the purchased course to start. The room might take 30-60 seconds to load depending on your internet speed. Feel free to log in and out as needed.

Certification of Attendance

Chiropractic certificates of attendance can be printed directly from your CCEDseminars account upon course and test completion.

Course Information

photo of Dr. Howard Benedikt, your instructor

Topic: Nutrition 203: Nutritional Management of Headaches

Credit Hours: 2

Instructor: Howard Benedikt, DC, DCBCN

Course Description

Take charge of your patient's headache issues with this comprehensive chiro online CE program. Discuss both preventive and treatment approaches that include diet, supplements, and herbal remedies. Elevate your chiropractic practice and earn your required chiro online ce credits in a convenient, online format.

Course Outline

  • Incidence in Population
  • Types of Headaches
    • Tension
    • Stress
    • Migraine
    • Sinus
    • Cluster
    • Hormone related
  • Triggers
    • Environment
    • Hormones
    • Food
  • Natural Remedies
    • Vitamin D
    • Mg
    • Fish oil
    • Detox
    • Melatonin
    • CoQ10
  • Herbs
    • Curcumin
    • Saw palmetto

Learning Objectives

  • Categorize headache types and discuss their incidence in the population
  • Understand triggers like environmental factors, hormones, and food
  • Investigate natural remedies from foods to herbal medications
  • Develop conservative treatment strategies for headache patients

Important Information Before Starting Your Online Course

  • Allow a few seconds to a couple of minutes for the presentation window to load.
    Make sure you are using a computer with speakers and the volume is turned up.
  • Controls for the presentation can be found at the bottom. Use the side scrollbar if necessary to view these controls.
  • To restart the course at any time, simply click the course link in your CCEDseminars account.

Access additional course materials through the links in the video description. Grab this chance to expand your expertise with this valuable chiro online CE course at CCEDseminars. Click HERE for more clinical pearls! Get started NOW!



This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following states:

Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following Canadian Provinces:

British Columbia, British Columbia, Manitoba, Manitoba, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Ontario, Yukon, Yukon,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following regions outside the United States & Canada:

Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chili, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Fiji, Finland, Germany, Greece, Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Mexico, Nambia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Virgin Island, Zimbabwe,

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