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Nutrition Chiropractic Online Course:
Nutrition 226: Women's Health Issues - Focus on Menopause and Estrogen and the Relationship to the Musculoskeletal System

Nutrition 226: Women's Health Issues - Focus on Menopause and Estrogen and the Relationship to the Musculoskeletal System image
Online Course Format:  Online
Course Tuition:   $40.00
Credit Hours ( CE ):  2
Contributor:  Howard Benedikt, DC, DCBCN
CLICK HERE for a list of states, provinces and countries this course is accredited in.

Online Chiropractic CE Course Description & Course Details

Unlock the Benefits of Online Chiro Credit with CCEDSeminars

image of woman on smart device on our online chiro credit page CCEDseminars | The World Wide Choice For Online Chiro Credit Classes!Featured Course: Nutrition 226 - Women's Health Issues: Focus on Menopause and Estrogen

Credit Hours: 2
Instructor: Dr. Howard Benedikt, DC, DCBCN

Course Description

image of Dr. Benedict. your instructorAre you a young chiropractor or seasoned professional seeking valuable Online Chiro Credit? CCEDseminars offers a groundbreaking two-hour course focused on Women’s Health Issues, particularly Menopause and Estrogen. This course explores the symptoms women commonly experience and provides a comprehensive understanding of wellness in relation to the musculoskeletal system.

Exclusive Savings on Online Chiro Credit!

  • Save 10% on 6-9 Hours: Utilize promo code “6hbc” during checkout. Offer applicable to live chiropractic webinars and recorded online classes.
  • Save 20% on 10 or More Hours: Use promo code “10hbc” at checkout. This discount applies to both live webinars and recorded online classes.

Course Outline

  1. Impact of Estrogen Loss on Metabolic Health, Brain, Musculature, Bone, and Cardiovascular Systems
  2. Common Symptoms Expressed by Women
  3. Methods to Modify Estrogen Loss and Enhance Musculoskeletal Health
  4. Lifestyle Strategies Supporting Women’s Health

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this Online Chiro Credit course, you'll be able to:

  1. Understand the crucial role of estrogen in women’s health
  2. Examine why maintaining wellness is essential
  3. Understand how estrogen loss impacts the entire body
  4. Develop strategies to support the overall health of your patients

Easy Access to Your Online Course

To join the online meeting room, log in to your Home page at CCEDseminars and click on the purchased course. The meeting room will take 30-60 seconds to load depending on your connection speed. You have the flexibility to log in and out as needed.

Certificates and Proof of Attendance

Proof of attendance can be printed directly from your account upon successful completion of the course and test.

Before You Begin: Important Information

  • Ensure you have functioning speakers and the volume is up to fully hear the presentation.
  • Allow a few seconds to a couple of minutes for the presentation window to load.
  • Utilize the controls at the bottom of the presentation window for navigation. The side scroll bar may be required based on your screen resolution.
  • Close the presentation window once you've finished. You can restart the course at any time from your account.

Additional Learning Resources

Find PDF notes, handouts, and other vital resources by following the links in the course video description.

Discover how convenient and rewarding earning Online Chiro Credit can be with CCEDseminars. Click HERE for more awesome learning opportunities! Don't miss out; enroll today!



This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following states:

Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following Canadian Provinces:

British Columbia, British Columbia, Manitoba, Manitoba, New Brunswick, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Ontario, Yukon, Yukon,

This online chiropractic course is accredited in the following regions outside the United States & Canada:

Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Bolivia, Cayman Islands, Chili, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Fiji, Finland, Germany, Greece, Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Libya, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Mexico, Nambia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Virgin Island, Zimbabwe,

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