CCEDseminars | Your Go To For Online Chiropractic CE!The More Online Chiropractic CE You Take, The More You Save!
Boost your professional skills with our specialized online chiropractic CEU courses. Bundle up on chiropractic webinars and recorded online classes to save more!
Promo Codes: Save 10% when you purchase 6-9 CEU hours with promo code “6hbc”. Get a 20% discount when you purchase 10 CEU hours or more with promo code “10hbc”.
Platform Access: Log in to your CCEDseminars account and click on your purchased course to access the online meeting room. (Loading may take 30-60 seconds.)
Certification: Print your chiropractic certifications of attendance upon completing the course and the test.
Credit Hours: 2
Instructor: Howard Benedikt, DC, DCBCN
As healthcare professionals, we are all too familiar with the prolonged and early arrival of the cold and flu season. This online chiropractic CEU course focuses on harnessing the power of nutrition to strengthen the immune system. Additionally, we explore how chiropractic care stimulates immune function through a balanced musculoskeletal system.
Follow the links in the course video description to access PDF notes, handouts, and additional resources for this online chiropractic CE course. Try our FREE course "Coding And Documentation 201"!
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