Georgia State Approved Chiropractic Online CE Courses

Elevate Your Practice with Chiropractic CE Courses at CCEDseminars

image of Georgia on our chiropractic CE corses pageCCEDseminars | The Preferred Destination For Online Chiropractic CE Courses!Are you a chiropractor looking to enhance your skills and stay updated with the latest developments in the field? Join chiropractic colleagues from around the world and elevate your practice through enriching chiropractic CE courses offered at CCEDseminars. Whether you prefer live chiropractic webinars or recorded online chiropractic CE classes, we've got you covered.

Get More and Save More 

We understand the value of continuous learning, and that's why we offer exclusive bundle offers to help you get more out of your education:

  • Use promo code "6hbc" to save 10% when you purchase 6-9 hours of courses.
  • Use promo code "10hbc" to save 20% when you purchase 10 hours or more of courses.

These offers apply to both live chiropractic webinars and recorded online classes, allowing you to tailor your learning experience to your schedule and preferences.

Accredited and Recognized Courses

Our chiropractic CE courses are powered by the prestigious Texas Chiropractic College, a CCE accredited institution. This accreditation ensures that you receive chiropractic education of the highest quality, recognized globally. Additionally, CCEDseminars is a verified PACE provider, further attesting to the quality and relevance of our courses.

Continuing Education Courses in Georgia

If you practice in Georgia, you're in luck! Georgia accepts a substantial number of online chiropractic and webinar continuing education hours over a two-year renewal cycle. With CCEDSeminars, you can fulfill up to half of your requirement (20 hours) conveniently. We also provide courses that meet Georgia's special requirements, including 15 hours of Chiropractic Clinical Science, 4 hours in Ethics or Risk Management, and 1 hour in GA Jurisprudence. Always check the most recent requirements on your chiropractic Board's website to stay up-to-date.

Easy Course Approval Identification

We understand the importance of simplicity when it comes to course approval. Once logged in, it becomes effortless to identify the courses approved for your chiropractic licenses, clearly marked on your account. This transparency ensures that you're always on track to meet your continuing education requirements.

Why Choose CCEDSeminars?

  • A Rich Catalog of Over 1,000 Hours: Access over 1,000 hours of recorded on-demand chiropractic continuing education classes and 8-10 hours of live interactive chiropractic teleseminar classes monthly. With CCEDseminars, your learning never stops.

  • Wide Range of Courses: From acupuncture to x-ray, our course catalog is comprehensive, covering a vast array of subjects pertinent to the chiropractic profession.

  • World-Class Instructors: Our team of instructors are seasoned professionals, dedicated to fostering a deep understanding and love for chiropractic, guiding you through courses with expertise and passion.

Embark on a learning journey with CCEDseminars, where the pursuit of knowledge meets a passion for chiropractic. Explore our chiropractic CE courses now and take the next step in your chiropractic career. Get started NOW!

CLICK HERE to view the online chiropractic requirements & guidelines for Georgia

Georgia Chiropractic Online Continuing Education Courses

Live Webinars
There are no live webinars accredited for this state.

Online Courses
There are no online courses accredited in this state.