CCEDSeminars Blog Post 05/16/2022: TBCE Required Hours This Week! Posted on May 16, 2022
CCEDSeminars presents the TBCE required hours this week. Ethics (2 hours) will be taught Tuesday May the 17th from 7 to 9 PM CT. Risk management & documentation will be presented on Thursday May the 19 from 7 - 9 PM CT. Monte Horne, DC will be the presenter both nights. Please mark your calendars. When you log in use the "Guest" portal and use your first and last name.

Can you believe that CCEDSeminars just had it's 10th birthday!
Course Description: The application of high standards of ethics in your practice and personal life can have profound effects on clinical outcomes and the quality of relationships. This 2-hour live webinar will thoroughly discuss ethics as it relates to your chiropractic practice, staff interaction and personal relationships. If you have been searching for the “missing link” to practice growth and life enhancement, here is the key.
Course Outline:
- Introduction to ethics and bioethics
- Code of ethics
- Board rules
- Proposed rule changes
- Ethics as applied to staffing
- Ethics as applied to clinical practice
Learning Objectives:
- Apply ethics to clinical practice
- Explain ethics relating to office administration
- Examine Board rules relating to chiropractic practice
- Assess proposed rule changes
Topic: Documentation and Risk Management 301: Documentation and Risk Management (Includes required hours for risk management (1) and documentation/coding (1) relating to the Board Rules (TAC))
Course Description: This 2-hour course thoroughly discusses cutting-edge documentation that will teach how to quantify clinical data. Application of course material to clinical practice will “bullet proof” your documentation.
Course Outline:
- 1 hour of cutting-edge documentation procedures
- Documentation from intake through diagnosis
- Evidence based standards of care
- Proving medical necessity
- 1 hour of risk management
- Risk management from staffing through patient care
- Risk mitigation strategies
Learning Objectives:
- Integrate cutting edge documentation procedures
- Explain evidence-based standards of care
- Identify risk issues in clinical practice
- Apply risk mitigation strategies in clinical practice

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