Chiropractic CE: The Rising Popularity of Percussive Therapy Posted on Oct 24, 2023

Why Percussive Therapy is Everywhere

The transformative power of percussive therapy has made it a staple in recovery routines worldwide. Not restricted to elite athletes, its science-backed benefits offer relief to all.

image of fit male on our chiropractic ce blogCCEDseminars | Your Prime Destination For Chiropractic CEAt this year’s Olympics...

World-class athletes from various countries showcased their prowess in Tokyo. Amid the competition, a common misconception lingered: that tools like percussive therapy, which athletes employ for recovery, are beyond the reach of the common individual.

Relieving Common Pain and Soreness

From the inception of the first percussive therapy device in 2008, my aim was to provide solace from pain, be it for elite athletes or the average person. This holistic approach stood out in a medical world where 99% of chronic pain consultations lead to prescription drugs.

The Evolution of Percussive Therapy

A grave motorcycle mishap drove me to explore alternatives to traditional pain relief. Inspired by the therapeutic potential of pressure and vibration on soft tissues, I embarked on a journey to innovate. By 2016, the fruits of this pursuit were palpable, as the market welcomed its first percussive therapy devices.

What It Is and How It Works

Defined by its unique amalgamation of amplitude, frequency, and torque, percussive therapy stimulates increased blood flow and reduces muscle tension. Its methodology is rooted in offering unparalleled therapeutic depth with each device contact.

The Benefits of Percussive Therapy

Its expansive range of benefits make percussive therapy a game changer. From alleviating pain to aiding sleep, its influence transcends the confines of a chiropractor's chamber, offering solace to all.

When and How to Use Percussive Therapy

The flexibility of percussive therapy is one of its standout features. Be it pre-workout muscle activation or post-workout recovery, its applications are diverse. Tailored treatments harnessing its potential are now a part of chiropractic CE curricula.

Benefits for Everyone

Percussive therapy's charm lies in its universal appeal. Whether you're an athlete or an office worker, its benefits are manifold. By fostering the body's innate healing processes, it promises a life of renewed vigor and vitality.

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