Building A Strong Chiropractic Rehab Program | Chiropractic CEU Online Is The Key
CCEDseminars | Our Chiropractic CEU Online Courses Will Equip You!Chiropractic physical rehabilitation therapy has become a substantial aspect of modern chiropractic practice. Whether you're a traditional chiropractor or have a more contemporary practice style, incorporating chiropractic physical rehabilitation (rehab) therapy offers substantial returns for both your patients and your bottom line. The magic of chiropractic rehab lies in the amazing outcomes it can achieve. CCEDseminars has the chiropractic CEU online courses to help you achieve your goals!
The Unique Approach of Chiropractic Rehabilitation Therapy
Chiropractic rehabilitation therapy sets itself apart from other forms of therapy like physical therapy, personal training, or myofascial release. While these disciplines address movement patterns and muscular imbalances, chiropractic rehab takes a different path.
In chiropractic rehab, we assess and treat the entire body, adjust hypomobile joints, and address soft tissue imbalances. It's about optimizing the effects of chiropractic adjusting (CMT) and restoring homeostasis through lifestyle and nutrition guidance. This approach is the secret behind the success of chiropractic rehab. CCEDseminars provides you with chiropractic CEU online courses in adjusting, rehab, sports medicine, athletic injuries and other topics to aid you to reach your goals!
Starting with the Basics
If you're new to rehab or wish to enhance your skills, here's how you can go big in chiropractic:
Sharpen Your Adjusting Skills: Proficiency in spinal and extremity adjusting is essential for correcting kinetic chain imbalances. Click HERE for awesome chiropractic ceu online learning tools!
Master Soft Tissue Techniques: Be ready to assess soft tissue issues using manual or high-tech modalities.
Start in Your Current Treatment Rooms: Utilize low tech tools like elastic resistance bands, physioballs, balance discs, and foam rollers to achieve excellent results for different phases of care.
Learn Low-Back and Neck Exercises: Focus on mobility and stability, as these are common conditions in your practice. Click HERE for incredible chiropractic CEU online learning opportunities!
Building on the Foundation
Effective rehab is a multifaceted process that combines numerous elements such as CMT, soft tissue work, active and passive exercises, taping, bracing, nutrition, and lifestyle advice. The exercises need to target local stabilizer muscles, global prime movers, mobility, and symmetry. Proper technique is crucial for optimal results.
Here's how you can grow your chiropractic rehab expertise:
Take Courses: Enhance your knowledge and skills in exercise prescriptions for spinal and extremity conditions. Start HERE!
Address Common Postural Distortions: Be prepared to correct issues like forward head posture and lower crossed distortion.
Apply Exercises with Proper Alignment: Use postural correction as a transition from pain-focused care to a corrective model.
Video Patient Exercises: Encourage patients to use their phones to record their exercises for self-assessment.
Create a Referral Network: Collaborate with local gyms and fitness experts to support patients in returning to sport and higher levels of activity.
Growing to the Next Level
As your chiropractic rehabilitation therapy practice expands, be ready to accommodate more patients seeking comprehensive care. Consider the following steps:
Add "Rehab Slots": Allocate specific time periods for patients to learn and review exercise prescriptions.
Enhance Your Space: If needed, create an open-concept adjusting room to incorporate rehab activities alongside chiropractic adjustments.
Hire a Professional: Depending on your state's regulations, consider bringing in another professional to oversee rehab, such as an ATC, PT, or exercise physiologist.
Explore Higher-Tech Equipment: Invest in advanced machines that offer additional services to complement your practice.
Growing into the Interdisciplinary Model
An interdisciplinary approach to rehab can be effective and profitable. However, it's essential to maintain attention to comprehensive patient care. Keep these factors in mind:
Conduct Weekly Clinical Rounds: Ensure the entire team is aligned on patient progress and treatment schedules.
Stay Informed: As the chiropractor on the team, understand the exercise prescriptions provided by other providers.
Prioritize Comprehensive Care: Distinguish between "churning" patients and providing holistic care.
Schedule Regular Re-Exams: Monthly re-exams and progress reports are crucial for patient compliance.
Emphasize Postural Correction: Encourage postural correction once patients are pain-free.
The Promise of Chiropractic Rehab
Chiropractic rehab is gaining momentum for a reason. It aligns with the current approach of a multi-modal approach to musculoskeletal pain that incorporates active care. CCEDseminars has developed the chiropractic CEU online programs taught by some of the most gifted instructors in the industry!