Chiropractic CEU Online: Understanding the Value of Chiropractic Care in Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions Posted on Oct 05, 2023

Introduction: The Urgency of Addressing TBIs and WADs

A blow to the head, a sudden jolt, or a motor vehicle accident are the most common causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) or concussions. Every year, 1.7 million people sustain a TBI, with an estimated 52,000 leading to fatality. However, symptoms like persistent headaches, nausea or vomiting, fatigue, and even depression are often overlooked until they compel someone to seek professional care, such as chiropractic treatment specifically designed for traumatic brain injury.

WAD and TBI: The Overlapping Symptoms

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Whiplash-Associated Disorders (WAD) often occur in people involved in motor vehicle accidents and share many symptoms with TBIs. As chiropractors, we must be aware of these differences to adequately address and treat these issues. This includes sensitivities or pain in the neck and surrounding structural tissue, acute pain throughout the body, and stiffness of the jopints.

The Multi-faceted Nature of Traumatic Injuries

Visual and vestibular components, as well as inflammatory and centrally mediated responses, often accompany traumatic injuries. Addressing these structural, neurological, and metabolic aspects is crucial, especially considering studies indicate that WAD can lead to an increased risk of TBI.

Chiropractic Approach to TBIs

Chiropractors have specialized training to treat the array of symptoms that often accompany TBIs and WADs. Understanding neurometabolic cascade outcomes is vital in formulating a comprehensive treatment plan that aids in a patient’s recovery process.

The Science Behind the Trauma

During sudden impacts, forces are transferred throughout the nervous system and spine, potentially causing structural damage such as torn ligaments, muscle strain, misalignment, and diffuse axonal injuries. This can have a long-term impact, including symptoms like neck pain, memory loss, and personality changes.

The Role of Traditional Medicine and the Need for Chiropractic Intervention

While traditional medicine focuses on managing symptoms through prevention and medication, chiropractic care offers a more holistic and individualized treatment approach. Providers like CCEDseminars educate chiropractic professionals about the latest in neuroscience and individualized rehabilitation models. Click HERE for awesome learning opportunities!

Case Study: TBI and Depression

Paula Walters, a domestic assault survivor, came to us seeking support for her TBI and subsequent depression. After comprehensive chiropractic treatment, Paula has regained her quality of life, illustrating the immense value of chiropractic care in treating TBIs and their associated symptoms.

The Necessity of Individualized Care

Each patient deserves a treatment tailored to their needs. At CCEDseminars, we advocate for an in-depth neuro-orthopedic examination to provide a comprehensive view of how the brain and body are functioning. Click HERE to learn more!

Conclusion: Holistic Health for TBIs and WADs

Integrative and individualized holistic health practices must be considered along with chiropractic and traumatic brain injury care for both TBIs and WADs. By understanding the complexities of the brain and body, chiropractors can provide the highest levels of care to improve outcomes.

By embracing a holistic, integrative approach to traumatic brain injuries and concussions, chiropractors can offer invaluable treatments that significantly improve a patient's quality of life. Through CCEDseminars, practitioners can remain updated on the latest treatment methods, thereby enhancing the value they bring to patients suffering from TBIs and WADs.


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