Chiropractic For Kids: What's Next? Posted on Mar 28, 2023

Chiropractic Pediatrics: What Do You Need to Know

chiropractic treatment for young girlChiropractic Care For Kids Just Works!

If you’re like most chiropractic physicians, you want what’s best for the children in your practice. More and more parents and other health care providers are turning to chiropractic for well patient care and treatment of disorders. When it comes to their health, you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure they’re taken care of properly. That’s why so many are turning to chiropractic pediatrics for help with newborn babies and children of all ages. Pediatric Chiropractic care is a safe and natural way to help child achieve and maintain optimal health. 

Over the years it has been discovered that chiropractic care can also be helpful for a variety of illnesses and conditions. This means that more parents are turning to chiropractors to help their children with various health problems. By understanding the benefits of pediatric chiropractic care, parents can feel confident in their decision to seek this type of treatment for their child.

What is Pediatric Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractors know it’s a natural form of healthcare that focuses on the nervous system. That’s where chiropractic pediatrics comes in. Gentle adjustments are utilized to restore balance to the nervous system, which in turn can help improve your child’s overall health.

Chiropractors help correct joint dysfunction in the spine and extremities that can lead to problems with general health, pain and discomfort, and body performance. Chiropractic focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of disorders and symptoms caused by the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine. In many cases, these disorders can be caused by dysfunction in the spine

Why Pediatric Chiropractic Care Is Beneficial For A Child’s Development

  • Helping Alleviate Pain & Speed Up Recovery from Injuries

Kids are very active. Playing sports, on the playground, and running around with their friends canphoto of little girl undergoing rehab for an injuryChiro Care For Kids! oftentimes lead to unexpected injuries. When an injury does occur, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible to speed up the healing process and alleviate any pain you may be feeling. While over-the-counter medications and rest may help, pediatric chiropractic care specializes in using gentle adjustments and other physical and nutritional techniques to reduce pain and inflammation.

  • Improving Child’s Development

Pediatric chiropractic care focuses on identifying and correcting subluxations in the spine which can adversely affect communication between the brain and body. By improving the function of the spine and nervous system, pediatric chiropractic care can help improve overall health and wellness in children dealing with all sorts of developmental concerns.

  • Better Sleep

One common issue that pediatric chiropractic help kids with is sleep problems. A recent study found that pediatric chiropractic care may be an effective way to help kids get the rest they need. Chiropractic care can help to correct functional problems, which can lead to better sleep. When the spine is properly developing, it allows the body to function more efficiently and effectively.

  • Healthier Immune System

A healthy immune system is important for everyone, but it is especially crucial for young children. Treating a wide variety of conditions, such as ear infections, and even asthma. A strong immune system helps protect children from illnesses and keeps them healthy and active. Pediatric chiropractic care can help support a child’s immune system and promote good health.

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Chiropractic pediatric palpationPediatric chiropractic care has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in children. Regular chiropractic adjustments may help improve the function of the nervous system, which could lead to reduced levels of stress and anxiety.

  • Treating and Preventing Ear Infections

Ear infections are a common problem, especially among children, and can be quite painful. Chiropractic adjustments can help to improve the function of the eustachian tubes and boost the immune system. This can help to reduce the incidence of ear infections and speed up healing time if an infection does occur.

  • Improve Digestion

A properly functioning spine through pediatric chiropractic care helps improve neurological function between the gut and the brain. This can help ease digestive issues such as constipation, gas, and bloating. In addition to improving digestion, pediatric chiropractic can also help boost your child’s immune system.

  • Brain development in pediatric patients

There is growing evidence that pediatric chiropractic care helps optimize brain development. Chiropractors have shown adjustments improve spinal and neurological function which are critical for optimal brain health. By ensuring your child’s spine is functioning optimally, you can help ensure their brain develops optimally too!

While some parents are apprehensive about taking their children to see a chiropractor, the fact is that it is perfectly safe. In fact, many parents who have tried it report seeing significant improvements in their children’s health. 

How Does Pediatric Chiropractic Care Work? 

As you know, chiropractic care for children is based on the same principles as chiropractic care for adults. Non-invasive and specifically targeted adjustments improve spinal function leading to improved neurological health.

From helping with better posture, colic, and constipation to improving sleep and reduced pain, chiropractors help children live a healthier life. Pediatric chiropractors are specially trained to work with children, and they can offer a range of benefits that include everything from improved immunity to better focus in school.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Kids?

Yes. It is generally considered to be very safe. In fact, it is very common and highly recommended forphoto of young boy receiving chiropractic treatment parents to use chiropractic care as a treatment for children and infants.

Chiropractic care is a natural form of healthcare that uses gentle adjustments, lifestyle changes and other physical and nutrition methods to restore health. 

Get Certified In Chiropractic Pediatrics

CCEDSeminars offers postgraduate online chiropractic education pertaining to the care of children and pregnant women leading to advanced chiropractic certification. The Certificate in Chiropractic Pediatric (CCP) program is available as an online course and designed designed to expand professional ability in adjusting techniques, evaluation and assessment of different stages of development from pregnancy, birth, infancy through childhood. The chiropractic pediatrics courses are taught from an approach focusing on factors that support human health and well-being, rather than on factors that cause disease. All techniques taught in the chiropractic pediatric certification program are those currently taught at chiropractic colleges and are adapted for the post graduate education level. Unlock your potential, expand your chiropractic practice, enhance your skill set and gain greater confidence in your chiropractic pediatrics care. These online courses are cosponsored by Texas College of Chiropractic, Texas Chiropractic Association and PACE (Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards). Chiropractic courses are taught by Michael Hall, DC, FIACN, T.D. Wilson, DC and Heather Bryce, DC. All instructors have extensive post graduate training in chiropractic pediatrics. Dr. Heather Bryce earned Electrical Engineering degrees from the University of Texas and worked successfully in that field for years. She returned to school herself and earned her DC and Anatomy degrees from Parker College of Chiropractic. Tracy Wilson, DC received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Parker University in 1996. He is a graduate of Eastern New Mexico University with a degree in biology. He has completed numerous post graduate courses in chiropractic pediatrics, has CLM Wellness certification and AMIT certification. Michael Hall, DC, FIACN is a Board certified Chiropractic Neurologist with extensive specialty experience and training in chiropractic pediatrics.

24 Hour Certification Program

Core Requirements - 20 Hours from:

  • Pediatrics 201 - 212

Electives - 4 Hours (your choice):

  • Neurology 212, 217, 221, 226, 227, 241, 243
  • Nutrition 235, 236
  • Radiology 218
  • Sports Injuries 223, 257
  • Any Pediatric Webinars

Chiropractic pediatrics certificate program

To begin the program simply purchase the courses from the list above.

Please notify CCEDSeminars after you have completed the 24-hour program. After the course requirements have been completed you will receive a certificate appropriate for display in your chiropractic clinic demonstrating your accomplishment.

Thank You For Visiting CCEDSeminars


Marchand AM. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2012 Jun;35(5):372-80. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2012.04.008. Epub 2012 May 22. PMID: 22627100 

Hestbaek L, Jørgensen A, Hartvigsen J. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009 Oct;32(8):607-15. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2009.08.024. PMID: 19836596 

Slora EJ, Thoma KA, Wasserman RC, Pedlow SE, Bocian AB. Pediatrics. 2006 Aug;118(2):e228-34. doi: 10.1542/peds.2005-0701. Epub 2006 Jul 10. PMID: 16831892 

Gaumer G. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2006 Jul-Aug;29(6):455-62. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2006.06.013. PMID: 16904491 Review. 

Killinger LZ. Clin Geriatr Med. 2004 May;20(2):223-35. doi: 10.1016/j.cger.2004.02.008. PMID: 15182879 Review. 

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