CCEDseminars: Your #1 Choice For Chiropractic CEU Online Courses
As healthcare professionals in the chiropractic field, keeping abreast of new techniques and approaches to patient care is crucial. Our Chiropractic CEU Online course provides a deep dive into an often-overlooked aspect of geriatric care: coordination.
Instructor: Michael Hall, DC, FIACN
With the ageing population striving for physical independence and an active lifestyle, the issue of coordination becomes critical. This course focuses on understanding the importance of coordination for balance, movement, and overall well-being.
The Ageing Demographic
Methods of Assessing Coordination
Implementation Strategies
If you're looking to expand your scope of practice and offer more comprehensive services, this course is for you. With our Chiropractic CEU Online platform, you can gain this invaluable knowledge conveniently and at your own pace.
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your chiropractic practice with insights into the importance of coordination in the rehabilitation of the aging population. Enroll in this Chiropractic CEU Online course today!