How to Fix Tech Neck from Head to Toe |Chiropractic Online CE
CCEDseminars | Your Ultimate Destination For Chiropractic Online CE!The rapid technological growth over the past few decades has been astonishing. As devices like smartphones and tablets become integrated into our daily routines, new health concerns, like tech neck, emerge. But how do we, as health professionals, determine how to fix tech neck in our patients? Thanks to chiropractic online CE, we now have comprehensive strategies that incorporate body stabilization and foot alignment into treatment protocols.
The Rise of Tech Neck
With the increase in technology use, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where work-from-home became the new norm, tech neck's prevalence has grown. This forward flexed posture, resulting from extended device use, impacts nearly all age groups. Without proper workstation setups, weak postural patterns developed, leading to various health concerns including neck pain, back pain, and fatigue. Click HERE for an awesome resource!
Understanding Weak Posture
It's essential to realize that weak posture isn't just a consequence of tech use. Devices exacerbate the already existent Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS) and Lower Crossed Syndrome, which involve tight and shortened muscles in the neck, shoulders, and chest. As chiropractic online CE suggests, the feet play a vital role in maintaining proper posture. A symmetrical foundation is crucial as any imbalance in foot alignment affects the entire kinetic chain, from ankles to the spine. Click HERE to continue your learning journey!
Addressing Tech Neck with Chiropractic Online CE (See Links Above)
To effectively combat tech neck, chiropractic online CE emphasizes a multifaceted approach:
Empowering Patients to Fight Tech Neck
Chiropractic online CE offers the tools needed to address and combat tech neck. As healthcare professionals, it's our duty to equip our patients with these techniques. By re-evaluating and adjusting their posture, we can not only treat tech neck but also prevent its onset in the future.