Welcome to CCEDseminars, your premier destination for Chiropractic Online Continuing Education. We are a pre-approved provider by the NJ State Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Additionally, CCEDseminars is sponsored by Texas Chiropractic College, another pre-approved provider.
New Jersey requires chiropractors to complete 30 credits (hours) of continuing education during each biennial registration period, ending on 08/31 of odd years. New Jersey accepts 12 hours of our Chiropractic CEU Online Courses and 30 hours of our Chiropractic Webinar Continuing Education Courses during each period.
At CCEDseminars, it's easy to fulfill your New Jersey continuing education requirements. By enrolling in just 12 hours of online courses and 18 hours of webinars, you can meet all your needs.
We offer a wide array of accredited courses, making CCEDseminars your top choice for Chiropractic CEU Online Courses worldwide. When you log in, each course is clearly marked as approved or not, saving you valuable time.
In New Jersey, chiropractors need to complete a minimum of two hours in state laws and rules governing chiropractic professional ethics or Record Keeping and Documentation. A minimum of two hours in Nutrition education is also required.
We provide a list of approved courses specifically designed to meet New Jersey’s unique requirements.
New chiropractic licensees are exempt from CE requirements for the first biennial registration period if their license was issued within 12 months from the start of the biennial period.
In New Jersey, there's no need to report your CE unless audited. CCEDseminars offers over 1,000 hours of Chiropractic CEU Online Courses covering a wide range of topics.
New Jersey's chiropractic CE requirements are subject to change. It's your responsibility to stay up-to-date with the latest information.
Click HERE for a direct link to amazing learning opportunities!
CCEDseminars is your reliable partner in Chiropractic Online Continuing Education. Enroll now and stay ahead in your field!