In recent years, the ACA (American Chiropractic Association) has been ardently working to enhance the precision in Medicare documentation, aiming to reduce the error rates that potentially lead to improper payments. Spearheaded by influential figures like John Falardeau, the ACA's initiatives are clearly paying off with a substantial 42% decrease in chiropractic Improper Payment Rate (IPR) over the past eight years.
CCEDseminars | We Are Here To Empower Chiropractic Practices With Our Chiropractic CE!In light of the IPIA (Improper Payments Information Act) of 2002, it became incumbent upon federal agencies to annually estimate and report the total amount of improper payments concerning all programs and activities. The Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) program improper payment rate, assessed through the Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) initiative by CMS, has notably seen a decrease in chiropractic-related improper payment rates from over 54% in 2014 to just above 31% in 2022.
The reduction is largely due to the ACA's proactive engagement with Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and the relentless effort in increasing the availability of educational resources aimed at refining the Medicare documentation practices of chiropractic doctors. As part of its comprehensive approach to online chiropractic education, the ACA offers exclusive resources and webinars through its Learn ACA platform. Recent additions include insightful programs such as “Introduction to PART Documentation” and “Error-free Medicare and Billing Procedures: 4-Part Series.”
Looking forward, the chiropractic fraternity is focused on further reducing the IPR, a goal well within reach given the supportive legislative environment shaped by proposals such as the Chiropractic Medicare Coverage Modernization Act (H.R. 1610 and S. 799). This promising bill seeks to broaden Medicare beneficiaries' access to the chiropractic profession's non-drug approach to pain management, encompassing a range of services including manual manipulation and diagnostic imaging.
Key to this progressive landscape is the bill's provision allowing chiropractors to bill Medicare for the full range of services permitted in their respective states, contingent upon completion of documentation training facilitated through online chiropractic education mediums such as webinars, as stipulated by CMS. See our online chiropractic CE courses at CCEDseminars. Click HERE
Undoubtedly, the ACA's steadfast commitment to online chiropractic education, mirrored through initiatives like the Learn ACA platform, is setting a robust foundation for chiropractic professionals to flourish while assuring greater accuracy in Medicare documentation.
Join the cause to witness a monumental shift in chiropractic care. Delve deeper into this topic and learn how you can play a part in advancing the Medicare bill by visiting the Advocacy/Medicare section on the ACA website.
(Credits To The ACA For Original Story)