Paternalism vs. Person-Centered Care: Navigating Chiropractic Webinars | CCEDseminars Posted on Sep 08, 2023

Offering a Choice: A Double Benefit? Paternalism vs. Person-Centered Care

Image of Doctor & Patient on our chiropractic webinar blog pageThe healthcare landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, a movement from paternalism, where providers make healthcare decisions for patients, to a more person-centered approach. This transition is the focal point of discussion in chiropractic webinars orchestrated by CCEDseminars

Paternalism in Healthcare: An Overview

Historically, the healthcare sector adopted a paternalistic model where providers, steering from their expertise, recommended treatments and sought patient consent. This model largely relied on the clinician's discretion, offering patients little room for input, just a choice to consent or decline the proposed treatment.

Person-Centered Care: A Paradigm Shift

CCEDseminars brings to the spotlight the alternative to paternalism – person-centered care. This approach champions shared decision-making, a collaborative process where patients are informed about various therapy options, encouraging a dialogue that encompasses their preferences and thoughts. The core principles foster:

  • Respect for patient individuality and their physical and emotional experiences.
  • A genuine consideration of patient views and preferences.
  • Sharing comprehensive knowledge about conditions and treatments in a comprehensible manner.

The Challenges of Implementing Shared Decision-Making

However, putting shared decision-making into practice is not automatic. Despite the support for the concept, the actual engagement remains limited owing to the pressure of time, a lack of confidence in guiding such processes, and a deep-seated belief in providing the “best” care through paternalistic decision-making.

The Therapeutic Potency of Choice

Recent studies showcase a fascinating perspective on choice as a therapeutic tool, introducing a positive discourse on placebo effects which are now seen as potential therapeutic tools with authentic beneficial effects on a range of conditions. CCEDseminars urges the necessity to further explore how these insights translate into chiropractic settings.

Navigating the Future with Shared Decision-Making

With a largely unexplored avenue in the musculoskeletal health domain, CCEDseminars advocates for a commitment to shared decision-making, emphasizing its ethical foundations:

  1. Upholding the autonomy of each patient.
  2. Recognizing and valuing each patient's individuality and preferences.
  3. Acknowledging the limitations in determining the “best” solution in every circumstance.

Towards a Person-Centered Approach: A Self-Reflective Journey

To genuinely foster a person-centered approach, practitioners should engage in self-reflection, scrutinizing their care plans and openness to patient choices. This involves a readiness to support patient-chosen reasonable care plans and an examination of whether their treatment recommendations mirror a person-centered approach.


As chiropractic webinars facilitated by CCEDseminars elucidate, the healthcare sector stands at a juncture, steering away from paternalism towards a more inclusive, person-centered care model. It is a transition characterized by a shared decision-making ethos, where the choice emerges not just as a right but a path to potential double benefits, cultivating a therapeutic landscape grounded in respect for individual preferences and ethical healthcare practices.

Join CCEDseminars for more insights and embark on a journey towards an evolved healthcare approach.

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