2022 marks 20 years since photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT), initially known as laser therapy, received FDA clearance. The last two decades have seen remarkable progress in the field, making it a compelling subject for chiropractic continuing education online courses. Click HERE for an awesome resource!
In response to the opioid crisis, the CDC recommends exploring alternative therapies, providing photobiomodulation a unique position for pain management. This forms an essential part of chiropractic continuing education online courses.
Organizations like AAOS, ACP, and APTA now recommend PBMT, bringing greater awareness and credibility to this therapeutic approach.
Numerous published studies now support PBMT’s efficacy in treating a range of conditions, from low back pain to neurodegenerative diseases. For chiropractors investing in chiropractic continuing education online courses, this is the time to integrate PBMT into your practice.
Integrating PBMT with existing treatments like spinal manipulation and soft tissue mobilization has shown promising results.
Investing in the latest laser technology offers a variety of financial incentives, including IRS tax benefits. These points are integral for professionals considering chiropractic continuing education online courses.
Effective protocol and training are critical for maximizing photobiomodulation benefits, a topic often covered in chiropractic continuing education online courses. Click HERE to get started!
The decline in the general health of adults in America makes this an opportune moment for the medical and wellness industries to lead. PBMT offers a breakthrough opportunity for those seeking to upgrade their practice through chiropractic continuing education online courses. Click HERE for incredible learning opportunities!
Chiropractic professionals keen to stay at the forefront of medical advancements should consider enriching their skill set with chiropractic continuing education online courses focusing on photobiomodulation. As research and technology continue to advance, PBMT presents an increasingly compelling avenue for effective, evidence-based treatment.
For more extensive knowledge and hands-on training, don't hesitate to check out our PBMT courses at CCEDseminars. We offer a comprehensive range of chiropractic continuing education online courses that help you stay updated with the latest advancements in the field.
Note: The information is intended for educational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.