CCEDseminars | Your #1 Source For Online Chiropractic Continuing Education & News!In recent years, the focus on non-pharmacologic treatments for acute and chronic pain has gained momentum. Chiropractic care, supported by a wealth of scientific literature, stands out as an alternative to the often risky and less effective pharmacologic interventions. At CCEDseminars, we offer an extensive range of online chiropractic continuing education courses that arm practitioners with the knowledge and skills required for these modern treatment modalities.
The American College of Physicians recommends a range of non-pharmacologic treatments for both acute and chronic back pain, such as massage, acupuncture, and spinal manipulation. Additionally, the Journal of the American Medical Association echoes the effectiveness of chiropractic therapy for low back pain, stating it offers a significant advantage in reducing pain and improving physical functioning.
Findings from various studies have shown that chiropractic care can reduce the odds of receiving an opioid prescription by 64%. Furthermore, chiropractic care combined with standard medical care results in greater pain relief and a greater reduction in disability. When it comes to avoiding surgery, seeing a chiropractor first results in dramatically lower odds—42.7% who first saw a surgeon had surgery, compared to only 1.5% of those who saw a chiropractor.
Evidence shows that spinal manipulation can significantly reduce episodes of headaches and neck pain. In one study, about 57% of patients who met with chiropractors reported at least a 75% reduction in neck pain.
CCEDseminars offers specialized online chiropractic geriatrics courses that teach effective strategies for senior care. Older patients who choose chiropractic care often have lower costs and shorter episodes of back pain, and display higher satisfaction rates.
Studies suggest that chiropractic care incurs fewer charges for uncomplicated lower back pain when compared to traditional medical treatment. Older Medicare patients, for instance, who opted for chiropractic care had lower costs than those who received medical care only.
It’s no surprise that the majority of chiropractic care users reported it to help "a great deal" with their health problems and improve their overall well-being. At CCEDseminars, we offer courses that focus not just on treatment but also on ensuring high levels of patient satisfaction.
Join us at CCEDseminars and take the next step in your chiropractic education journey, honing your skills to provide non-pharmacologic, effective treatments for a range of health issues.