CCEDseminars | Your Prime Source For Chiropractic CEU Online!As chiropractic professionals, questions often arise about Medicare Advantage and chiropractic care. Are the plans equivalent to traditional Medicare Part B or are they different? What happens when a chiropractic physician is out-of-network with a Medicare Advantage plan? These queries often intersect with discussions about chiropractic CEU online opportunities for enhancing billing and coding skills. Click HERE for awesome documentation pearls!
Medicare Part B generally provides coverage for chiropractic spinal manipulation, specifically for active treatment. The active treatment includes various qualifying conditions such as pain, restricted motion, subluxations, and muscle spasms. For those interested in chiropractic CEU online, understanding these conditions is key for correct billing. Click HERE to get started!
Chiropractic services covered by Medicare Part B are considered "medically necessary," and claims are processed by Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs). Knowing the seven MACs is essential for chiropractic billing and could be a topic covered in chiropractic CEU online courses. These MACs are:
Medicare Advantage plans, often referred to as Part C, also cover chiropractic services. However, unlike Part B, some Medicare Advantage plans provide a broader range of chiropractic services. This could include extremity adjustments, maintenance care, X-rays, and more. This offers a new realm of opportunities for chiropractors, which may also be covered in chiropractic CEU online training modules. Click HERE for more resources!
Billing for Medicare Advantage can be tricky for chiropractic offices. Your billing practices depend on whether you're enrolled in Medicare Part B, whether the Medicare Advantage plan has out-of-network benefits, and other factors. This complexity often makes chiropractic CEU online courses invaluable for billing managers.
Proper usage of billing modifiers can be essential. For Medicare Advantage plans, the same modifiers AT and GP used for Part B continue to apply.
Understanding Medicare Advantage in relation to chiropractic care is crucial, especially for billing. Various chiropractic CEU online courses are available to help navigate the complexities of billing for both traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans.
Navigating the intricacies of Medicare Advantage and chiropractic care can be complex. However, with adequate knowledge and perhaps some chiropractic CEU online training, it becomes easier to offer comprehensive care for your patients under these plans.