All our courses are backed by the Texas Chiropractic College Postgraduate Education Department, a CCE accredited institution. Browse our curated Course Catalog below, showcasing a plethora of courses with their respective Alberta approval codes.
CCEDseminars is at the forefront of delivering exemplary online chiropractic CE to Alberta's chiropractic physicians. Our extensive selection, including the popular FREE course Documentation & Coding 201, is designed to enhance your practice and clinical expertise.
We welcome new Alberta Chiropractic Physicians with a special gift - a complimentary 1-hour approved online chiropractic CE course. Meet our distinguished Faculty!
Over half of the CE credits obtained by chiropractors are now through online chiropractic courses. With interactive, quality courses that rival in-person seminars, our online platform is not only more affordable but also a powerhouse of knowledge.
We ensure our content reflects the most accurate, updated information on Alberta's CE requirements. Note that regulations may change, and it is the licensee's responsibility to stay informed of Alberta's chiropractic continuing education requirements.
Join the ranks of satisfied learners who choose CCEDseminars for all their online CE needs. Get started today and experience the best in chiropractic continuing education with Alberta's leading online CE provider! Get started NOW!
Updated: 11/20/2023
Live Webinars
02/11/2025 7 - 9 PM CT Physical Examination 302: The Cervical Spine & Upper Extremities (Dennis O'Hara, DC, DACBSP)
02/20/2025 7 - 9 PM CT Documentation & Risk Management | TBCE Required Hours (Michael Hall, DC, FIACN )
02/25/2025 7 - 9 PM CT Geriatrics 308: Strength Training | Live Chiropractic Webinar (Donald Ozello, DC, CCN, CCSM)
03/11/2025 7 - 9 PM CT Functional Medicine 302: Mastering Musculoskeletal Inflammation (Howard Benedikt, DC, DCBCN)
03/18/2025 7 - 9 PM CT Ethics 301 | TBCE Required Hours (Michael Hall, DC, FIACN )
03/20/2025 7 - 9 PM CT Documentation & Risk Management | TBCE Required Hours (Michael Hall, DC, FIACN )
03/25/2025 7 - 9 PM CT Functional Medicine 303: The Missing Link In Headache Management (Howard Benedikt, DC, DCBCN)
Online Courses
There are no online courses accredited in this state.